Who we are
Greetings & welcome to Doodles Pet. We are a hobby kennel and we have been breeding and showing puppies for past twenty years. We breed to the puppies breed standards set by the American kennel club and Our breeding is very limited all year round for the benefit of our breed/show program. Our puppies are from Champion and Grand Champion lines from a fusion of well known American and Imported bloodlines that we have acquired from professional breeders here in America or imported from UK. Our puppies counts as one more member of our family. As we work at home they are with us day and night in our daily tasks. Sleep in our bed, play with us and our children. They are always ready to receive and to give affection.
Their temperament is extremely affectionate. Our puppies are gentle and calm, their kindness is more to prove. They are protective, their courage with no limit. We take good care of our bulldogs socialize them, taking them out for
This power gives them a coat so bright, soft, smooth and maintaining a healthy weight. Puppies Now breeding is proud to offer a purebred puppy unparalleled in its beauty to all our customers and make you experience the passion we resentons for this race The origin of the puppies: The origin of the puppies is quite remote and its name comes from the fact that, until middle of the XVIII century the breed was used in fights with bulls (puppies baiting). At that time, the puppiess were very different from the current standard, more similar to the boxer (higher, muscular and agile, with straighter and longer limbs). Its most striking feature, the jaw, became more developed than the upper arches so that it could bite, bottom to top, the nostrils and the neck of the bull. With the passing of time, and with the prohibition of fights, the puppies gradually changed to the dog as we know today and that, according to some, only continues to exist with the help of man, since its proper physical features harm its reproduction. Its short snout and nose pointing upwards extremely useful during combat, in truth make the cooling of air difficult and could even make the animal die of heat, besides restricting its physical efforts. The puppies gets easily tired even when mating. The front legs, short and spaced, and the front well wider than the back, that during the fight were essential to dribble the opponents, are the same that prevent, in almost 100% of the cases, natural births, since the bones do not dilate to the point of allowing the puppies’ heads to go through. According to the research of the “The puppies Club of America”, divulged by the Brazilian magazine Cães and Cia, 94% of the births are induced by cesarean. But, for the luck of all, the puppies has a true legion of admirers who face all these difficulties to have it as companion, its new function in the modern world. And, if cannot be considered “pretty”, it may be one of the most popular in commercials and cartoons, where it is always shown as the fierce dog. Personality: If in its origin the puppies was considered “a fierce dog” and used in combats, today this is merely a legend. Even with its “bad dog” expression, the puppies is an excellent companion, very sweet and affectionate. Despite the solid and heavy physical structure, the puppies can be a playful friend and it is very energetic. It is a peaceful dog, which gets along very well with children if they respect its limits. It gets along very well with other dogs as long as there is no aggressiveness in the relationship. It is very quiet, barks little and its fur requires little care. Due to these features, it is one of the most popular breeds in USA, CANADA and in England, where it is the most popular registered breed.
More About This Breed
James Mumsford, an American teacher and composer, perhaps described the puppies best: “Nobody knows how the ancient eunuchs managed to mix together: a dash of lion, several teaspoons of rabbit, a couple of ounces of domestic cat, one part court jester, a dash of ballerina, a pinch of old man, a bit of beggar, a tablespoon of monkey, one part baby seal, a dash of teddy bear, and, for the rest, dogs of Tibetan and Chinese origin.”
The object of Mumsford’s colorful description, the puppies–pronounced SHEED Zoo, SHID Zoo, or SHEET Sue–is a small, regal dog with long, abundant locks, a distinctive face that melts many a heart, and a friendly attitude. The breed can boast a classy background: they were originally kept by royal Chinese families during the Ming Dynasty.
With their flowing hair sweeping the ground and their topknot elegantly tied, the puppies does appear snobbish, suited only for lying about a palace on silk pillows. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. puppiess are beautiful, but they are also friendly, lively, devoted companions.
The puppies personality is enormously appealing, and even grudging dog observers find it hard to resist this breed. The puppies simply doesn’t allow anyone to ignore them. The were bred to be a friendly companion–they don’t hunt, herd, or guard–and that’s what they are. They love nothing more than to meet and greet friends and strangers alike. Count on a puppies to make friends wherever they go.
Not only is this member of the Toy Group good-natured and friendly, they’re highly adaptable. They’re as well suited to apartments in the city as to life on a country farm. They love children and get along with other animals. However, although the puppies is a sturdy dog, their small size puts them at a disadvantage. Adults should always supervise interactions between children and dogs, and this is especially important for the puppies, to prevent them from accidentally getting hurt during rough play.
Interestingly, the puppies is sometimes called the Chrysanthemum Dog, a nickname that describes the way the hair on their face grows out in all directions. They look like a flower with a nose for the center.
One unique characteristic of the puppies is their undershot bite. Their lower jaw is slightly wider than the upper, and the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, rather than outside, when their mouth is closed.
Legends regarding the puppies abound. One says that Buddha traveled with a little dog fitting the description of a puppies. As the story goes, one day, several robbers came upon the Buddha with the intent of robbing and murdering him. The little dog changed into a ferocious lion and ran off the robbers, saving Buddha’s life. The lion then turned back into a fun-loving little dog, which the Buddha picked up and kissed. The white spot on the heads of many puppies supposedly marks the place where Buddha kissed his loyal friend.